Rise Up Dance Project
Give back through dance.
Rise Up Dance Project is a non-profit organization that exists to provide dancers the opportunity to travel all over the world to experience dance as well as serve.
We focus on women and children who have been rescued from human trafficking and are now in safe homes. Research has shown that dance is the number one way for these victims to find ownership of their bodies again.

Trips will be offered to all Performance and Company dancers. Starting in 2022 we will be hosting trips to Cuba, Puerto Rico and El Salvador. More info to come!
When I took over as The Studio Director in 2008, I knew I wanted to give the community of Northern Colorado the same opportunity I had to receive excellent technical training. Over the years have developed a passion for developing leaders with solid work ethic, determination, and high standards of morals and character.
We love what we do here and the community we have created. Please feel free to check us out, and if you are ready to grow and belong, we are excited to serve you!
Your talent is God's gift to you.
What you do with it is your gift back to God.
What you do with it is your gift back to God.